When you bought that new house this year, we know you were imagining all the dinner parties and holidays you’d be hosting. If this is your first year hosting Thanksgiving dinner, don’t fret! We’re here with help in the form of tried-and-true tips from veteran hosts and hostesses.

Delegate, delegate, delegate! The meal will always be a success if you do the basics yourself and have others bring various sides, desserts, and appetizers. Potluck is the easiest way to have everyone pitch in and help.

Make some dishes ahead of time. Lots of traditional Thanksgiving fare can be made in advance and frozen or refrigerated until the big day. Cranberry sauce, casseroles, potatoes, rolls, pies, and other desserts are all prime candidates for make-ahead dishes.

Set the table or buffet the night before. Setting things up always takes more time than you think it will. If you have a formal dinner in the dining room, set the table a day or two ahead and plan the positioning of the food. If you do a more casual, buffet-style meal,

Make time to get ready. Trust us. You need to schedule this in. Time is bound to sneak up on you, and guests will start to arrive before you know it.

Have drinks ready to go. Have wine, cocktails, or mocktails chilling in the fridge. Set up a drinks station so guests can help themselves as they arrive. If everyone’s milling around with something to sip on, they won’t complain if dinner’s not ready on time.

Stick with the classics. This isn’t the time to experiment. You’ve got enough on your plate—no pun intended—without trying out brand new recipes that you haven’t already tested.

Store bought is fine. Not every single bit of Thanksgiving dinner has to be homemade. It’s perfectly fine to buy whatever you don’t feel like making from scratch. No one will know the difference if you don’t want them to!

Accept help. Take whatever help is offered. Trust us. No matter how well you plan the day, something will end up throwing off your schedule. Let your mother-in-law wash the pots if she offers. Allow your uncle to mix drinks. Don’t try to do it all!

Enjoy Yourself!

Above all, remember what Thanksgiving Day is all about: spending time with our loved ones and being grateful for all the great things in life. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from the Johnson & Wilson Real Estate family!


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